Mini-me Adventures
During the last week of February 2019, I felt the need to shrink myself - again. In continuation of my "Bonsai Me" project, I created new images of Mini-Me.
To start with, I had this idea of getting myself down to 'crocus height'. Spring was early this year (and currently on the retreat again, unfortunately), and I wanted to celebrate the beautiful spring flowers, while they were here.
Then, I was then reminiscing about a roadtrip I had been on four years ago with a group of photographers to Bryce, Zion and Grand Canyon. It was a wonderful roadtrip. And a roadtrip that friends of mine were on again this year. Which is why I got to thinking about it. So Mini-Me went on adventures. I create images of myself in my husband's bonsai trees with the great wide open landscapes and wind-blown trees in mind.
I hope you enjoy the images. I will most likely be revisiting Mine-Me (or maybe even a Mini-Someone-Else) in the near future! We'll see!